Assessing FAQ
Please see the following list of frequently asked questions received by the Assessing Department. To read more about a specific FAQ, click on an item below to expand.
- Who appoints the Town Assessor?
- How is the Assessor credentialed?
- What guidelines must the Assessor follow?
- Why does the assessor need to visit my property?
- If the Assessor asks to view the interior of my home, do I have to let them into my house?
Who appoints the Town Assessor?
How is the Assessor credentialed?
What guidelines must the Assessor follow?
Why does the assessor need to visit my property?
If the Assessor asks to view the interior of my home, do I have to let them into my house?
GIS & Parcel Viewer
Property Assessment Methodology
- How does the Assessor determine the assessed value of my property?
- What is market value?
- What constitutes an arms-length transaction?
- What is the difference between assessment year, fiscal year and commitment date?
- Does the assessment have to be made on April 1st, or completed by that day?
- What causes property values to change?
- Can I come in and have my valuation reviewed?
How does the Assessor determine the assessed value of my property?
What is market value?
What constitutes an arms-length transaction?
What is the difference between assessment year, fiscal year and commitment date?
Does the assessment have to be made on April 1st, or completed by that day?
What causes property values to change?
Can I come in and have my valuation reviewed?
Property Tax Billing & Payment
- When are property taxes due?
- I sold my property after April 1st and the taxes were prorated at closing. Am I responsible for the taxes?
- Why does the prior owner's name still appear on my tax bill?
- How do I change the mailing address for my tax bill?
- Why won't the Town send my tax bill directly to my bank or mortgage company?
- Why is the first half tax bill in the fall of one year, and the second half in the spring of the next year?
- Who do I contact to pay my property taxes?
- How / Where do I find my property map-lot number?
When are property taxes due?
I sold my property after April 1st and the taxes were prorated at closing. Am I responsible for the taxes?
Why does the prior owner's name still appear on my tax bill?
How do I change the mailing address for my tax bill?
Why won't the Town send my tax bill directly to my bank or mortgage company?
Why is the first half tax bill in the fall of one year, and the second half in the spring of the next year?
Who do I contact to pay my property taxes?
How / Where do I find my property map-lot number?
Property Tax Calculation
Property Tax Abatement & Appeals
- I think my taxes are too high, what can I do to reduce them?
- I do not agree with the assessment of my property. What options do I have to change this?
I think my taxes are too high, what can I do to reduce them?
I do not agree with the assessment of my property. What options do I have to change this?
Property Tax Exemptions & Assistance
- What is the homestead exemption?
- I applied for a homestead property tax exemption, but it didn’t show up on my bill. Why is that?
- Am I getting all the property tax exemptions that are available to me?
- Am I a permanent resident?
- What is the deadline to file a homestead exemption?
- How do I apply for the homestead exemption?
- Do I have to apply for the exemption each year?
- Can I have more than one homestead exemption?
- Why is the exemption on my tax bill less than $25,000?
- What should I do if my application is rejected?
- Does my home qualify for an exemption?
- Do I need to apply for a homestead exemption annually?
- I own more than one home, can I get a homestead exemption on both?
- My exemption fell off from last year, why?
- For estate planning purposes, I placed the title to my property in a trust. Can I still receive the Homestead Exemption?