Construction Oversight
Subdivision and Site Plan Projects submitted through the Planning Department are inspected by the Town once they are approved and construction begins. The Town inspects and enforces development projects to ensure that they do not pollute the environment during active construction, are built according to approved plans, and have measures in place to treat polluted runoff after construction. These inspections help the Town minimize the impact of development on our water resources, and they’re also required actions under the Town’s General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4 permit) that became effective July 1, 2022.
Active Construction Inspections
The Town adopted Chapter 420 - Erosion & Sedimentation Control at Construction Sites Ordinance and developed a Construction Inspection Process to comply with the MS4 permit’s Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control requirements. All Erosion and Sedimentation Control (ESC) Measures for active construction sites must be in place prior to soil disturbance and must be inspected by the Town. Once construction is complete and the site is stabilized, the Town must inspect the site to ensure it is stable and that all temporary ESC has been removed. All construction projects in continuous non-compliance will be referred to the Town’s Code Enforcement Office for enforcement action. The applicant/owner/developer must reimburse the Town for these inspections. The Town’s inspection fees can be found in Chapter 311 Town of Scarborough Schedule of License, Permit, and Application Fees Ordinance. If the project is inspected by the Town’s contracted 3rd party inspectors, the applicant/owner/developer must reimburse the Town for the invoiced inspected fees.
To schedule an inspection email or call Carrie Prescott at or (207)730-4054.
Post-Construction Inspection and Maintenance
The Town adopted Chapter 419, Post-Construction Stormwater Infrastructure Management Ordinance, to comply with the
MS4 permit’s Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment requirements.This ordinance applies to all new development and redevelopment activities to which at least one of the following criteria apply:
- One acre or more of disturbed area, or
- Less than one acre of total land area that is part of a subdivision, if the subdivision will ultimately disturb an area equal to or greater than one acre, or
- Activity within the Shoreland Zone that is subject to review and approval of the Site Plan Review Ordinance requirements and is subject to permits pursuant to Maine Department of Environmental Protection Chapter 500 and 502 Rules.
All Stormwater Maintenance Agreements with the Town and Owner must be executed and recorded with the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of any Building Permits. Please see the following Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Management Facilities. All certifications and as-builts of stormwater management facilities must be submitted to the Town prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. Please see the following Annual Stormwater Management Facilities Certification. This certification must be completed by a qualified post-construction stormwater inspector and must be submitted to the Town on or by June 1 of each year.