Planning & Codes
The responsibilities of the Planning and Codes Department include code enforcement, development review, zoning determinations, development and building inspection, community and transportation planning, and engineering. The responsibilities of each division are listed below.
Planning Division
One of the primary duties of Planning Staff is advising the Planning Board in the reviewing and approval of development projects, as well as working with development applicants. The vast majority of development projects are reviewed under the Site Plan Review or Subdivision Review Ordinances. In addition, Planning staff conduct other short and long-range planning studies and initiatives that may pertain to other topics such as transportation, open space and natural resource conservation, affordable housing, and infrastructure planning. See Planning Division
Code Enforcement Division
The Code Enforcement Officers are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the local, state, and federal regulations that apply to building construction and development as well as inspecting the wide range of new development and redevelopment that occurs in Scarborough. Code Enforcement processes and approves the required permits for construction, electrical, plumbing, heating, and various other site amenities. In addition to their code and inspection duties, Code Enforcement also acts as staff liaisons to the Zoning Board of Appeals. See Code Enforcement Division