The Code Enforcement Officers are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the local, state, and federal regulations that apply to building construction and development as well as inspecting the wide range of new development and redevelopment that occurs in Scarborough. Code Enforcement processes and approves the required permits for construction, electrical, plumbing, heating, and various other site amenities. In addition to their code and inspection duties, Code Enforcement also acts as staff liaisons to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Important Announcements
New Building and Energy code on April 7, 2025!
The State of Maine has amended the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code adoption. On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety signed the amendments into rule. Municipalities must enforce the newly adopted 2021 I-codes and corresponding standards as of April 7, 2025. The Fire Marshal’s Office, Division of Building Codes website’s information and links will be updated in the coming weeks.
Temporary ChanGe to Property Files Access
The Planning & Code Enforcement department is in the process of a capital improvement project to improve public access to property file records by transitioning to an electronic filing system. This project is through an outside vendor and will take up to three months to complete, beginning December 2021. The physical files will not be on site for public access during this time but can be made available by request. If you are seeking access to property files during this time, please email us at or call (207) 730-4040. Files can be made available within 48 hours of the request. We thank you for your patience during this process and look forward to more efficiently serving you with our new digital database in 2023.
Hours of Operation
The Town of Scarborough has reopened municipal buildings and outdoor public spaces following the guidance of the State of Maine. The Planning & Codes department is currently open to the public during the following hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Planning Projects Map
Building Permit Applications
Building Permit applications can be delivered for review in the following ways:
Delivery/Drop-off: Planning Department, Scarborough Town Hall, 259 US Route 1
Mailed: PO Box 360 Scarborough ME 04070-0360