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One of the primary duties of Planning Staff is advising the Planning Board in the reviewing and approval of development projects, as well as working with development applicants. The vast majority of development projects are reviewed under the Site Plan Review or Subdivision Review Ordinances. In addition, Planning staff conduct other short and long-range planning studies and initiatives that may pertain to other topics such as transportation, open space and natural resource conservation, affordable housing, and infrastructure planning.

Development Review

Plans & Studies

Complete Streets 

Current Projects

Rate of Growth Ordinance

Residential Permit Report


Important Announcements

Hours of Operation

The Planning & Codes department is currently open to the public during the following hours:

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm



The Planning Board holds meetings once per month on the third Monday of each month, unless otherwise stated.  

Property Files Access

The Planning & Code Enforcement has transitioned to an electronic filing system for property files.  Please email us at or call (207) 730-4040 for access to property files.  Files will be made available within 48 hours of the request.

Planning Projects Map

This interactive map viewer can be used to find more information on recently approved, active, and complete development projects approved by the Planning Board. Each color indicates a different type of project (site plan, subdivision, appeal, etc.). To view project information, click on a particular highlighted parcel to find out the project name, type, use(s), and Planning Board review dates. If you are interested in viewing plan sets or application materials, you can use this link to view the Town's BoardDocs page and select the meeting agenda a project was heard or approved based on the listed approval date. 

If you have any questions or would like further information on any of these projects or the Planning Board's review process, please reach out to Autumn Speer, Planning Director at

Building Permit Applications

Building Permit applications can be delivered for review in the following ways:


Delivery/Drop-off: Planning Department, Scarborough Town Hall, 259 US Route 1

Mailed: PO Box 360 Scarborough ME 04070-0360