Development Review
Development review is the responsibility of the Planning Department and Planning Board. Please consult the Planning Board page for more information about membership, agendas and meeting minutes.
Development Review Process
In 2024 the Development Review Process began to include a Development Review meeting with applicants, Town Staff and peer reviewers. This additional step in the process added one week to the overall submittal process. The additional step allows applicants more time to review comments and have an opportunity for dialogue with reviewers prior to the Planning Board meeting.
Staff holds in-person/virtual DRC meetings with applicants and reviewers on Wednesdays two weeks before the Planning Board meetings. The DRC meetings will be scheduled for 30-60 minutes with each applicant from 1:00-4:00 pm depending on the comments issued. Please see below for the Development Review Calendar.
Application Forms & Checklists
Subdivision Plan Review Packet