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Horse Beach Permits

Horse Beach Permit

Many changes have been made to the Horse Beach Permit rules and regulations so please read the Horse Beach Permit Ordinance before obtaining a permit and riding your horse on the beach.

Horses are allowed to ride on the beach beginning October 1st through March 31st of every year. Horse Beach Permits are good for traveling in the tidal area from Pine Point Beach to Old Orchard Beach/Saco line. Permits are issued starting September 15th for the new year and will be made available at that time. The fee for the permit is $20.00. Permits can be obtained from either the Scarborough Town Clerk's Office (207-730-4020) or the Old Orchard Beach Town Clerk's office (207-934-4042).


Please refer to the ordinance linked below for further requirements.

Horse Beach Permit Ordinance


Horse Beach Permit Application