Massage Therapist & Establishment Licensing
- Massage Establishment License: No person shall operate a massage establishment without a valid massage establishment license. A separate license shall be required for each such establishment.
- Massage Therapist License: No person shall work as a massage therapist without a valid massage therapist license or a combined massage establishment/massage therapist license.
- Combined Massage Establishment/Massage Therapist License: A sole practitioner who employs no massage therapist other than himself/herself may apply for a combined massage establishment/massage therapist license in lieu of both a massage establishment license and a massage therapist license.
Please refer to the ordinances linked below for further requirements.
Massage Establishment Ordinance
Para-Massage Establishment Ordinance
Massage Therapist / Combination Therapist / Establishment Application
Massage Establishment Only Application
Supplemental Questionnaire for Corporate Applicants