Boards & Committees
Boards & Committees
Boards & Committees
Click the links below to view each Board/Committee page and available Meeting Agendas & Minutes. Interested in joining a board or committee? Fill out our online application form.
Advises and makes recommendations to the Town Council during the feasibility study and design process for a community center.
Advises the development of a Conservation Open Space Plan, Scarborough's approach to maintaining the future of our landscapes and natural resources.
The purpose of the ADA Advisory Committee is to assist the Town in meeting its obligations under the provisions of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its implementing regulations. (Current Vacancy)
Reviews appeals from decisions of the Assessor regarding applications for abatement of property taxes and makes determinations in accordance with State of Maine laws.
Establishes regulations for marine activities within harbors, waterways and tidal waters of the Town of Scarborough.
Advises the Town Council on matters pertaining to the planning, developing, financing, and implementation of Community Services recreational programs and facilities.
Increases awareness of the value of our natural resources, works to identify and reduce potential damage to these natural areas, and encourages sustainable stewardship.
The purpose of the Firing Range Committee is to ensure the safety of all individuals in and around the firing range as well as to ensure that the firing range is in compliance with the rules and regulations of both the State and Local laws.
(Current Vacancy)
Studies and develops recommendations on managing the Town's future growth and development.
Recommends and advises the Town Council on land acquisitions identified by the Acquisition Evaluation Process.
Meets when an officer or employee of the town has been removed or suspended and the employee requests an appeal.
Reviews new residential, commercial and industrial development, as well as the redevelopment of existing uses, in accordance with the Site Plan Review and Subdivision Review Ordinances.
Elected officials of a public utility that operates separate from the Town.
Develops and recommends a local affordable housing agenda and implements a local affordable housing program under Town Council guidance.
The School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) was formed after the Unified School Proposal was rejected by the voters in Nov 2023. Following the referendum’s defeat, the Town Council and School Board sought to bring the public back into the conversation about a school solution.
Discusses the planning, development, and implementation of Community Services senior programs. (Current Vacancy)
Oversees a shellfish conservation program for the Town of Scarborough to ensure the protection and sustainable management of shellfish resources.
Promotes energy and environmental sustainability in Scarborough, and researches energy programs, projects and policies relating to conservation and alternative energy use. (Current Vacancy)
Studies transportation issues and initiatives in Scarborough and makes recommendations on improvements to our transportation system.
Hears and decides a range of different types of appeals and special exceptions as specified in the Zoning Ordinance.
Newsletter Archive
- November 2024 Board & Committee Newsletter
- July 2024 Board & Committee Newsletter
- March 2024 Board & Committee Newsletter
- November 2023 Board & Committee Newsletter
- July 2023 Board & Committee Newsletter
- March 2023 Board & Committee Newsletter
- November 2022 Board & Committee Newsletter
- July 2022 Board & Committee Newsletter
Current Vacancies
Council Committees
Council Committees
Click the links below to view each Council Committee page and available Meeting Agendas & Minutes.
The Appointments and Negotiations Committee reviews applications for vacancies on the various Town committees/boards and makes their recommendations to the Council.
The Communications Committee provides direction for all communication efforts of the Town Council and identifies strategies to foster positive and productive dialogue with community members.
The Fair Hearing Authority ensures that general assistance is administered in accordance with the state law and local ordinance.
The Finance Committee reviews appropriation requests and revenue estimates for all offices, agencies and departments of the Town. They also recommend amendments to the proposed budget to the Town Council.
The Ordinance Committee reviews proposed ordinances or amendments and makes recommendations to the Council for final action.
The Rules and Policies Committee reviews proposed Policies Chapter 101 – Town Council Adopted Policies and Chapter 302 – Rules & Procedures from time to time to ensure that it is in compliance with State Law and the local Charter.