Environmental Standards
Proposed Environmental Standards
In collaboration with the Conservation Commission, the Planning and Engineering Services Departments propose environmental standards be added to Town Ordinances to enhance protections to Scarborough’s saltmarshes, freshwater wetlands, rivers and streams, vernal pools, and coastal bluffs.
The Comprehensive Plan Vision Statement 1 speaks to the necessity of this ordinance:
The Scarborough Marsh is central to the Town’s identity, creating a special awareness by our residents of the importance of all of the Town's natural resources. Future land use will follow a pattern of development that is sensitive to protecting our beaches, dunes, rivers, open spaces, farmlands, and other elements that comprise our unique ecosystem.
The revised Wetland Setback ordinance proposal includes:
- Protections for all new or expanded development requiring site plan or subdivision approval
- Definitions relating to natural resources
- Natural resource setbacks for wetlands
- Vegetated buffers for wetlands
- Permitted activities within natural resource setbacks and vegetated buffer areas
GIS staff has created an interactive mapping layer to review potential impacts to properties with the proposed standards in place. Undeveloped parcels are those defined as having less than $25,000 assessed value at the time of map creation. There may be more unidentified parcels that would be affected by the proposal with redevelopment or additional wetland mapping.
Environmental Standards Meeting Schedule
The Conservation Commission began the ordinance drafting at their meeting on August 9, 2023. Revised drafts were presented and discussed at their meetings on October 16, 2023, November 13, 2023, and December 11, 2023.
On January 24, 2024, the Conservation Commission voted to recommend the final draft be presented to Ordinance Committee. On February 28, the Conservation Commission made an amendment to the final draft. The Ordinance Commitee reviewed the proposal on April 10, 2024. Staff also presented to the SEDCO Board on March 21, 2024.
A Developer Forum was held on May 23, 2024. To view the meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUlNX2O3cbM Click here for the presentation. Please contact Autumn Speer for more information.
On August 28, 2024, a joint meeting was held with members of the Conservation Commission and engineers representing developer interests. The meeting was also attended by three Councilors, with staff facilitating the discussion. The outcome of the meeting is an abbreviated set of standards addressing the pressing issue of constructability near wetlands. A draft of the revised proposal will be presented to the Ordinance Committee on October 9, 2024.
Town Council will review the final draft on December 4, 2024, for first reading Town Council December 4th Presentation . The ordinances have been forwarded to the Planning Board for Public Hearing (presentation) on December 16, 2024. Town Council held a public hearing on January 8, 2025. Second reading is scheduled for January 22, 2025.
Draft Chapter 405 Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Draft Chapter 405B Site Plan Ordinance Amendments
Draft Chapter 406 Subdivision Ordinance Amendments
The group also agreed to reconvene in early 2025 to continue the discussion concerning further protections for Scarborough's natural resources.