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Mobile Vendor Food Courts

Planning staff worked with the Long-Range Planning Committee to draft an ordinance to allow mobile food vendor courts in specific areas of town based on zoning.  The proposal includes site plan requirements, performance standards and mobile food vendor license requirements.

The proposal defines a mobile food vendor court as:

"A collection of two or more mobile food vendors in a common outdoor plaza or site providing a common area for self-serve dining. For the purpose of this definition the mobile food vendor court may be an accessory use to the primary use of the site or the primary use of the site." 

This new use is proposed to be permitted in non-residential zoning district that currently permit restaurants.  The construction of a mobile food vendor court would be required to go through the site plan process in the same manner a commercial business would.  

The Long-Range Planning Committee reviewed versions of drafts on August 9, 2024, and September 13, 2024.  At the September meeting LRPC voted to move forward a recommendation to Ordinance Committee. 

View the Zoom presentation from October 1st

The Ordinance Committee reviewed the revised draft proposal on October 9, 2024.

Town Council moved to approve the draft Mobile Food Vendor ordinance at first reading at their November 20, 2024.  The draft has been forwarded to the Planning Board for a public hearing on December 16, 2024.  Further Town Council action will be taken on January 8, 2024.

Town Council Presentation November 20, 2024 

Draft Chapter 405 Zoning Amendments

Draft Chapter 1015A New License Ordinance Mobile Food Vendors

Please contact Autumn Speer for more information