Ordinance Consolidation
Comprehensive Plan Visions
Vision 1: The Scarborough Marsh is central to the Town’s identity, creating a special awareness by our residents of the importance of all of the Town's natural resources, therefore future land use will follow a pattern of development that is sensitive to protecting our beaches, dunes, rivers, open spaces, farmlands, and other elements that comprise our unique ecosystem.
About the Project
On September 4, 2024, through final Council Action, the Planning Department completed a long-term project to consolidate the Commercial Design Standards document from 2001 and the Site Plan Ordinance into one cohesive document.
Approved Architecture & Site Layout Standards
The Architecture and Site Layout Standards were reviewed and amended through the Long-Range Planning Committee. The applicable standards found in Design Standards for Commercial Districts were repealed and added to Chapter 405B Site Plan Standards. These efforts were primarily a consolidation effort.
The Long-Range Planning Committee began the review process of Architecture and Site Layout Standards during the Summer of 2023. The review has been continuous since, with the final draft of Architectural Standards and Site Layout standards reviewed at the LRPC meeting on March 13, 2024. The proposed architecture and site layout color coded drafts were reviewed by the Ordinance Committee on May 8, 2024. The proposed draft was advanced to Town Council for first reading on July 17. Planning Board held a Public Hearing on August 19, 2024. Town Council held a public hearing on August 21, 2024, and approved the ordinance on second reading on September 4, 2024.
The changes include:
- Clearly defined applicability
- Adding definitions
- Updating materials and colors to current standards
- Reviewing articulation and roofline standards
- Creating a placeholder for future Village Standards (specific to certain locations of town)
Approved Landscape Standards
The revised Landscape Standards were reviewed and amended through the Long Range Planning Committee. The Conservation Commission recommended a revised plant list that is also incorporated into the draft. The applicable standards found in Design Standards for Commercial Districts have been repealed and added to Chapter 405B Site Plan Standards.
The Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposed changes on May 20, 2024. Town Council adopted the revised Landscape and Screening Standards on June 26, 2024.
The changes include:
- Requiring a minimum amount of landscape per type of development
- Combining the street buffer yard standards from specific zoning districts into one consolidated table and requiring trees
- Including standards for buffering between residential and commercial uses
- Defining specific landscape required in parking areas
- Defining specific landscape required for building foundation plantings
- Clarifying screening standards for service and mechanical areas and outdoor storage
- Adding protection measures if preservation is proposed
- Clarifying where and when site amenities and bicycle parking facilities are required
- Including specific parameters concerning snow storage on sites
- Updating the approved plant species list to focus on natives and to prohibit invasive species
- Updating the size of plants required to be installed
- Clarifying installation, guarantee and maintenance provisions
- Creating a template to be included on landscape plans for easy understanding of what is required and proposed
- Adding specific waivers that are available with Planning Board approval
Approved Lighting Standards
The first section for review by the Ordinance Committee were the proposed Section H Outdoor Lighting Standards that are incorporated in Chapter 405B Site Plan Review Ordinance.
The Planning Board held a public hearing to discuss the proposed draft Lighting Standards at their meeting on October 10, 2023. Town Council adopted the revised Lighting Standards on October 18, 2023.
The lighting standards found in Design Standards for Commercial Districts have been repealed.
The changes include:
- Clarified applicability, adding language to ensure redevelopment must comply with these standards.
- Added definitions
- Added specific requirements for the lighting plan, enabling staff and the Board a much easier review.
- Added the requirement lighting plans must show the IES standards applied and that the site does not exceed minimums
- Updated permitted lamps and fixtures
- Removed all references to metal halide lamps and replace language with “LED or better fixtures”
- Added time limits for lighting and addressed lighting when businesses are closed
- Required that landscaping up-lights not be on all night.
- Added specific requirements for energy demand, color rendering
- Defined fixture height and placement
- Removed redundant language
- Removed service station lighting – (IES standards will apply)
- Added lighting requirements for athletic fields.
- Addressed service areas
- Removed references to specific wattage.
- Added non-cutoff fixtures and fixtures containing mercury to list of prohibited fixtures
- Addressed temporary and permanent decorative lighting
- Addressed seasonal and holiday lighting
- Removed all language that “encourages” and replace it with requirements.
- Added specific waivers that are available with Planning Board approval
Staff Contact
Autumn Speer, Director of Planning & Codes
(207) 730-4042