Parks & Facilities Master Plan
The Town of Scarborough conducted a comprehensive parks and facilities master plan with consultant BerryDunn. The process allows for meaningful future park and recreation facility improvements that yield higher levels of performance and increased enjoyment for all user groups. The plan was developed with an eye toward the Town’s existing goals, including improving walkability and connectivity, increasing mixed uses, strengthening connections between open spaces, promoting active and healthy living, and sustaining and building a high-quality system of parks, recreation, open space, facilities, and trails.
Project Goals
- Complete an inventory and analysis of all existing park assets
- Complete a public outreach and needs assessment process to identify and prioritize community needs
- Identify a plan for upgrading facilities and/or building new facilities to meet the community needs, safety and gender equity
- Outline a potential implementation process to include funding and phasing strategies
Additionally, the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan will further inform the feasibility of a community center project. The Fall 2021 community survey indicated broad support (69.1%) for a community center, with over half of respondents indicating a center being one of the top two capital project needs. Additionally, respondents indicated a strong desire for an indoor space for recreation programming. A Recreation Center Design project will focus on these needs, and the Master Plan will contribute to the process.
Accepted by the Town Council
Consultants completed a draft of the Parks & Facilities Master Plan in January 2023. From there, it was reviewed by relevant staff and committees and was open for public feedback and input through a series of engagement opportunities:
- Draft was available for review on our website.
- Draft presentation by consultants at the Wednesday, February 1 Town Council meeting.
- Agenda item at the Wednesday, March 1 Town Council meeting.
The Town Council formally accepted the Parks and Facilities Master Plan at their March 1, 2023 meeting. They directed the Community Services Advisory Board to provide recommendations on the implementation by June 7, 2023.
Public Engagement
Town council MEETING
Parks & Facilities Master Plan Review
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
7:00pm Town Council meeting
Council Chambers, Town Hall
View on YouTube
The Community Services department received a draft of the Parks & Facilities Master Plan for review and feedback in mid-January 2023. It was shared with the Town Council, Community Services Advisory Board, and the public for review. The consultants presented during the public Town Council meeting on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
Findings report/presentation
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Council Chambers, Town Hall
The Preliminary Findings Presentation Public Meeting was held on Thursday, August 11th, from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm in the Council Chambers at Scarborough Town Hall, 259 U.S. Route 1. This meeting was open to the public and was an opportunity to hear an update on the parks and facilities master plan and to share thoughts on this very important community issue.
Meeting begins at time 10:44 on the YouTube recording.
Click Here to view the Findings Presentation given by BerryDunn and additional consultants during this meeting.
A Parks & Recreation Facilities survey was conducted from late May-early July for residents to help inform the direction of the future of our parks. A random sampling of residents was selected to receive a survey request by mail in May and June. These survey response count toward the statistically valid survey. We received 544 total responses and survey responses are available to view below.
It was then opened up to anyone who did not receive the postcard request. The link was opened by 762 and we received over 200 completed online survey responses during this phase.
Focus Groups
In April 2022, the Town and consultant conducted four virtual focus groups representing a cross section of user groups, residents and local organizational leadership. Over 60 individuals attended and provided their insight.
Open House
Scarborough and BerryDunn held a Town of Scarborough Parks and Facilities Master Plan Open House, a virtual public forum to learn more and discuss the project. This was an opportunity for residents to share their thoughts on this very important issue for our community.
Public Engagement Analysis
Survey Responses
A survey was conducted in July 2022 to assess resident feedback on parks and recreation facilities in Scarborough. Below are the results of the survey in a report. Open-ended survey comments that were received through this process are avilable in a separate document. We encourage community members to review these results in advance of the public meeting/findings presentation on August 11 (6:00pm at Council Chambers in Town Hall).
Please note that no decisions have been made. The survey is one part of the analysis.
Analysis & Assessment Steps
Master facilities plan consultant BerryDunn will be completing additional Analysis and Assessment Steps. Recurring themes will be identified using a number of tools:
- Review of existing plans and documents
- Focus groups
- Stakeholder meetings
- Community survey
- Inventory of parks and facilities
- Level of service analysis
- Programs
- Organization
- Maintenance
- Financial analysis
- Community workshops
The information gathered from these sources will be evaluated, and the recommendations that address these recurring themes will be developed.