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Scarborough Downs Transportation


The Downs development is a proposed multi-phase redevelopment that will eventually include all the Scarborough Downs property.  The proposed land uses in the project are estimated to generate 2,505 AM and 3,301 PM weekday peak hour trip ends and 2873 Saturday peak hour trips. The Downs property is currently accessed via Scarborough Downs Road and is located between Route 1, Haigis Parkway, and Payne Road in Scarborough.  In addition, the site is proposing a new access road, Center Street, connecting Haigis Parkway and the Scarborough Downs Road. Along with these improvements, the size of the project will require significant off-site improvements all along the RT 1 corridor, Payne Rd., and North Scarborough to mention a few.

Traffic Improvement Information

The link provided below is intended to summarize and illustrate the significant infrastructure and transportation network improvements that will be occurring in the Town of Scarborough, by the Town, State DOT, and all private development, which includes the projects initiated by the Downs development. One can see the location as well as view details of the improvements by clicking on the features within the map view.

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The Downs property is a proposed multi-phase, mixed-use development that will include all the Scarborough Downs property. The size of the project has necessitated the developers to obtain approval from the Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Scarborough Planning Board. The  purpose of this effort is to outline the comprehensive off-site transportation improvements that project is making to comply with the MaineDOT and local approvals.

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