Short Term Rentals
The Town of Scarborough is considering the creation of a Short-Term Rental Ordinance. Scarborough is one of few neighboring communities who do not have an ordinance already, but does have a Planning & Code Enforcement Policy, "'Airbnb' Use of or Within Dwelling Units". A Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance will establish regulations and tracking of STRs in Scarborough. In September 2023, the Ordinance Committee began the process of understanding what other communities are doing, what is effective, what if anything should be done and how big is the issue locally.
Planning Staff is assembling STR stakeholder group to work over the winter to review and create a draft registration ordinance. Please contact Autumn Speer, Planning Director at if you would like to be part of the stakeholder group.
July 13, 2023: Ordinance Committee reviewed short term rentals (View recording)
September 14, 2023: Ordinance Committee reviewed short term rentals (View recording)
November 2, 2023: Council Corner Live on short term rentals (view details below)
June 26, 2024: Short Term Rentals Town Council Workshop (View recording)
September 11, 2024: Draft Short Term Rental Registration ordinance to be presented to the Ordinance Committee
September 2024 - January 2025: Planning Staff will work with stakeholders to further refine a proposal to bring before Council in early 2025.
Public Engagement
Council Corner Live
November 2, 2023
While Scarborough's coastal neighborhoods have long been a vacation destination, there is an increasing perception that the number of short-term rentals have sharply increased over the last five years and expanded into non-traditional rental neighborhoods. Many second home owners have long used rental income to offset property taxes and the cost of up-keep, but concerns are growing that the boom in rental properties are driving increasing real estate prices and that a lack of oversight may be cause for safety concerns or more frequent disturbances in otherwise quiet residential neighborhoods.
Should Scarborough regulate these properties? Should they implement registration or licensing? Should they require inspections for public health and safety? Should the Town cap how many days, weeks or months a home owner can rent a property? Should there be a minimum stay required? How do we even propose to define short term rental? All of these questions and more will be discussed. The Council welcomes your input and feedback.
STR Presentation July 13, 2023 (PDF)