Give Feedback for Open Space Plan
The Town is working with consultants to develop a Conservation Open Space Plan. The Plan will identify priority areas and their potential for conservation, but it needs your input. Visit the interactive project website to explore maps and share your ideas. This collection period is limited, so add your feedback soon.
Share your thoughts through two activities on our project website:
1. Drop a pin on the map and share thoughts on locations we should consider in the open space plan. Do Mapping Activity
2. Share which Resource Categories you would like the community to prioritize in future open space conservation efforts. Take Survey
The consultants, Viewshed, will use the community feedback to create a map of conservation priorities that will appear in the final Open Space Plan. A draft plan will be available for review in late 2024, and the final plan will be presented to the Town Council in early 2025. Through the development and implementation of this plan, the Town aims to maintain its character and ensure the future of Scarborough’s landscapes and natural resources.
Learn more about the Open Space Plan on the project page.
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