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North Scarborough Road Projects

The North Scarborough area of town will undergo road work beginning summer 2024 and 2025. Four distinct projects are being aligned to minimize disruptions on the area and maximize efficiencies. Combined, the projects’ goal is to make the current infrastructure as efficient as possible; however, it does not include specific measures to increase capacity on the roadways.


June-July 2024

MaineDOT paving project on Rt 22 from Burnham Rd to Rt 114. Started early June 2024, expected to be completed once the Downs developer project (outlined below) is completed, by the end of July.

Summer 2025

The Town is partnering with the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS) and Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) on surface paving Saco Street and Gorham Rd in 2025, as a maintenance project. 

Safety & Efficiency

Summer 2024

The Downs Traffic Movement Permit requires that the development mitigate increased traffic flows anticipated as they build out. Their obligation in North Scarborough is to extend the left turn lanes from Rt 114 onto County Rd (the overlap) and install new adaptive traffic signals at the intersections of Saco/Gorham Rd and County/Gorham Rd. This is in anticipation of increased volume of traffic for this area of Town due to their development. The intersection of County at Saco Street is currently not funded for signal improvements and is anticipated to be a future funding request to Council.

The Town Council funded the North Scarborough intersections project in 2018 for design and construction. This will include safety improvements by adding a left turn lane on Saco Street onto Gorham Rd and grading and drainage improvements at the intersection of County and Saco Street, as well as the addition of mast arms at the intersections of Saco/Gorham Rd and County/Gorham Rd.


Transportation Improvement Map
See the details of each project and road work scheduled for other areas of Scarborough in the next few years.

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